Saturday, June 23, 2007

Another Day 2

Again, I am sorry these are out of order but this, believe it or not, is the first time that I have had to download the video I've taken to my computer, edit it transpose, compress, and then upload to the blog. I wish I could but in order but that's not how a blog works, so....
This is Paul coming up a VERY steep 7% grade heading towards Alturas. The day was hot and the wind blowing, and the mountain steep. Way to go man, I don't know how you just keep treking.


Steve Hillery said...

Don't worry about things being out of order, Gene. Just keep those posts coming, buddy!

Molly Large said...

I'm so impressed... I'm impressed with the work that goes into keeping this blog up, and impressed with cycling uphill at 5000 feet! Great work, and keep it up!!


sdpaddlebum said...

What a stud!
