5:30 a.m. Packed and headed to the office. Paul will leave his truck there and then we will be off.
6:00 a.m. We are off, first stop will be a picture at Oroville Elem. and High School.
As we are going, we stop to see Oroville Elem. and Oroville High Schools.
6:11 a.m. Stopped at the Ishi historical landmark. For thousands of years the Yahi indians roamed the foothills between Mt. Lassen and the Sacramento valley. Settlement of the region by the white man brought death to the Yahi by gun, by disease and by hunger. By the turn of the century only a few remained Ishi, the last known survivor of these people was discovered at this site in 1911. His death in 1916 brought an end to stone age Callifornia.
For those kids in Siskiyou county, hi from Mr. Arnold and Mr. Haas. I hope you are having fun in summer school? We are seeing some beautiful places on our trip. Let's see if you can leave a message on the blog. Stay cool and no day dreaming. :-)
7:17 a.m. Stop on the other side of the Oroville Lake bridge to look at the view. Was able to take a picture of an osprey and her young high atop a telephone pole.
7:51 Passing by the United States Post Office at Berry Creek , CA
As we climb we get to view some of the most breath taking views. Oroville Dam and Lake Oroville.
9:27 Climbing, climbing, and climbing some more. We are heading up, up, up. This area is beautiful. The trees are large. Lots of Ponderosa pines, Madrone, Sugar Pine and Cedar. The canopy under these giants reminds me of areas around Mammoth. Paul had to stop by the sign that told him NO! That was not the right thing to put on a sign for Paul to read.
As I drove along it came to my attention that there was a very different kind of sign along side the road. One that was sure to make everyone stop?
What do you think? Would you stop? I did and the old gent was quite nice and different. Reminded me of an old friend.
10:31 We have crossed into Plumas County and are still headed STRAIGHT up. I think we must be fairly high. The bag of potato chips I have in back just popped! Heading down to Bucks Lake.
Plumas beware of the water! You know what happens when you drink to much Sweet Leaf Tea :-)
3:10 Had a short but good visit with Ann and Ken at the Plumas COE. Ken pointed us in the direction of a good place to eat. Next we went to The Bike Shop and picked up a couple of tubes and a spare tire. Paul Mundorff is the owner.
We left Quincy and head out on 70 west/ 89 north. It was a very different kind of road then that of which we had been traveling all morning. Trucks and cars traveling at 60 - 70 mph. The road didn't have a shoulder and I was afraid that Paul would get blown over or worse. When we got to the Almanor turn off it got hairy.... Logging trucks with full loads flying past and I do mean flying. I told Paul on a stop "Are you riding for resources or your LIFE? We are now taking a rest on the shore of Almanor and will head out for Susanville about 35 miles away. No signal for the cell so we will not be-able to post until tonight.
3 - 6:00 p.m.
More beautiful areas as I drive along.
What a great school. Old Meadow Valley Elementary School
as we get to Almanor we look up and see one heck of a mountain. Can you tell us what mountain this is? Hint, it is the last mountain in the Cascade Mountain Range.
As we are leaving Qunicy we need to get a couple of tubes and a tire. What a bike shop. We thought we would but a small plug in for a nice guy trying to make a living in are area.
Good luck with your shop!
Anyone around to take my picture? Oh, well I know how to use a tripod and timer. Yes, this is Gene, the guy behind the guy riding the bike and putting out all that engery! I just drive, give him water, food, support, a chair to sit on when he needs to sit and rest. I am the camera man, video man, and the journal man. I am having a plast and am really proud of my best friend.
I can't believe that Plumas, and Lassen don't have Wi-Fi everywhere! :-)
Thank you for all your comments. Keep them coming, it is what we are riding for. I know I am not on the bike but if I could get my legs moving again I would be trying.
Well, I've got to say the picture of Paul in the bushes was a highlight :) Actually, there are some great shots that help tell the story. Too bad you didn't get a picture of a threatening logging truck. They can be scary, no doubt! Looking forward to tomorrow's installment! Way to go, guys. You're an inspiration!
I hope there wasn't any poison oak lurking in the sweet tea bushes!! You made awesome time today!! Great accomplishment!! I'm so happy for you both!! Do you have any signs on the car or Paul's back advertising the reason for the ride? Great pictures!! Good luck tomorrow.
Hope you are both working on a tan! Talked with Discovery Educ. today and will sign up for United Streaming through you, Paul. We need to talk, though. Good job on the ride.
Kathy G.
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